"I am very pleased with my Anesthesia Reference Sheets. They arrived extremely fast and were received in perfect condition. I am a class representative and I am currently proposing that the school of anesthesia make a bulk purchase of sheets for students entering clinical rotation." -G.B.
"I received the sheets rather promptly and distributed them. They are a hit. I left one in each of our anesthesia rooms and PACU. It's a small department but people were excited to see them." -Kay
"I have all four sheets and use them every day as a reference on drugs I do not use every day." -J.B., CRNA
"I received my sheets and am VERY pleased with them. Also loved the free shipping as its always a problem to Alaska. Received them in record time and showing others so hopefully can pass on some sales. Thanks so much." -Kay
My reference sheets are super awesome! Thank you." -T.H.
"I'm taking the sheets with me on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic in June and was planning on leaving them there for future anesthesia providers. Hopefully they will be used by many!" J.K.
"Hi. I am very happy! Thanks a lot for this really useful material and the good service."-R.V. from South America
"They are just what my classmates and I needed after four years in graduate school. Great references for getting back to the OR. Thank you." J.B.
"Thank you very much! I tried to make myself a peds sheet during my peds rotation but it doesn't look nearly as nice as yours. I love it! Thank you!" -TD-R
"They look great! You have increased the amount of information since I last purchased your reference sheet as a student several years ago. It's a great resource!" -J.A
"They look great. I'm actually the clinical coordinator for the nurse anesthesia students at my institution. I bought them to preview them with the thought of recommending them to the srnas." -J.W. CRNA
"I love the reference sheets! I use them daily;-)" -T.R.
"I am taking some copies to leave in the Dominican Republic at a clinic that I volunteer at several times a year." -S.W.
"I received them the other day. I really like them and think they will be very useful in my practice. Thank you so much." -A.B.
"I received my pediatric anesthesia reference sheet. I never bought one in school because I always prepared for my cases the night before. 3 weeks into my first job, 4 year old, and I thought I'd never have peds again..Little did I know! Its going to be a huge help! Thanks so much!" -J.H.
"The sheets are amazing! I am a SRNA now and the sheets are a lifesaver in clinical for me. Thanks!" -Mike
"I have received them and it was on my list of 'things to do sometime' to write a thank you for them. I especially thank you for the little extra you included in the package. As a note, I received them as I picked up the mail on my way to an anesthesia meeting with my company I showed them off all around and everyone was impressed. You may have some more orders shortly. I will not know if it happened or not, but you will. Thanks again for an excellent product." -S.CRNA
"They've arrived securely and are quite handy so thank you! A student directed me to your site. Great product!" -M.L. MSN, CRNA, CCRN-CMC-CSC
"I have received the sheet and have really found this useful!! It has been a lifesaver, especially as a student. It has everything we need in a precise, condensed version. Love it!" -M.C.
"I received both sheets in great condition. They both serve as great references. I just did my obstetrics rotation and utilized the ob sheet as a quick reference." -K.R.J.
"I have both your OB and ped reference sheets and they've already come in handy many times. I keep them with me all the time. Thanks for taking the time to put these together and making them available to everyone." -B.K. Saint Mary's University, Minneapolis, MN
"Thanks for putting together such a concise, informative reference. Very helpful especially when things aren't following a typical path!" -S.K., CRNA
"The reference sheets are beautifully done and cover all the important things!!! Thanks a bunch. These things are so helpful in everyday practice" -Stephanie
"I recently ordered your obstetric anesthesia reference sheet, and love it. A couple months ago I ordered the peds sheet, and it arrived in perfect condition, and was a huge help in my clinical rotation! Thanks" -G.F
"Absolutely love the sheet. Has just the right amount of information at the right depth for my stage of learning. Thank you!" -J.W.
"Great tool! Thank you!" -Olga
"Rec'd the sheet promptly and in good condition, currently utilizing it during my OB rotation this month and its been great, thanks!" -Mike
"The seniors were very excited to get these sheets as they are rotating through OB. I had bought one for each of them. So far, the comments have been positive." -BJC
"The ordering process was very easy and effecient. I am very satisfied with the product....use it on every Pedi case now. I recommend it to everyone practicing Pedi Anesthesia. Thanks!""
"I am not a student but actually found out about your sheet from a new grad who just arrived at our hospital. I am a military CRNA based at Keesler AFB and the CRNA obtained the info and got your reference sheet during his clinicals at Bethesda MD. I have had and seen many reference sheets for peds but yours is the most comprehensive and one of the best that i have ever seen. Excellent work!! In my previous stint at Keesler, I was the assitant clinical site director for the nurse anesthesia students and wish we had something like that back then for the students!! Best wishes," -Ali
"I am a student at St. Joseph Hospital School of Anesthesia for Nurses, Providence, RI/University of New England, Portland, Maine - graduating Dec09 (God willing)...I'm just starting my pediatric rotation - your reference sheet is great - good work!" -M.C.
"I have been a CRNA for over 20 years and now work as a clinical advisor/instructor for students from Texas Christian University at Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola, FL. I enjoy laminated reference sheets and yours has a lot of easy to use information. I look forward to using it!" -R.K.
"I feel so much more prepared when I use your reference to prepare for a peds case." -S.D.
"I graduate this year and will start working at a peds hospital. Your sheet gives me so much confidence in being able to take care of kids. Thanks!" -C.B.
"Great work on a very comprehensive reference!" -A.S.
"It feels so great to give medications using your reference sheet..I know that I am giving the correct dose." -A.V.